35 Thinking Tools to Create Impacts in Compliance and Technical Training
3-Minute Learning - Appendix B
5 Types of Easy-to-Use STORIES in Virtual Training
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101 Tips on eLearning
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The 101 Tips are based on experiences in implementing hundreds of small and large eLearning projects. It is intended for those who need practical guidelines to finding solutions and implementing eLearning with low or no budgets at all. eLearning developers, designers, leaders and champions are provided tips on how to create new rules in design and implementation and produce engaging learning, innovative approaches and at the least costs possible.
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A 69-page appendix of Ray's 3-Minute eLearning Book. Topics: How to pinpoint "must learn" and "learn on need", how to build a short and simple lesson structure and a step-by-step process with examples and illustrations.
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Unbundling Content
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This 100-page eBook explains Ray Jimenez's application of Story Structures and SRIA (Set up, Relate, Interpret and Apply).
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Story Impacts
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