Mindy Storyboard
Mindy Exercise 3
MicroAction for the Compliment
MicroAction for Stash the Cash
Stash the Cash
Micro-Action for Laptop Horror
Workflow Learning Article 5 - Try It! Test It!
Workflow Learning Workshop Videos
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  • 13 profile sm
     Oct 01, 2019 07:26am
    An added benefit to using stories as the structure for learning is that the developers of training are forced to design the training in the context of when end users need it. The "why" is highlighted in the story, while in the efficiency version we may not even acknowledge when to use a skillset.
Welcome to Workflow Learning. The focus and benefits of Workflow Learning to trainers, designers and L&D professionals.
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  • Jeff prof pic
     Apr 10, 2020 08:12am
    Looking forward to meeting new people and sharing ideas on Workflow Learning.
Edison Delegation - One Micro-Lesson Full version
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