It’s Dead- RMA Micro-Actions Simple Page Answers

  • Description

    Increased Report of malfunctioning hardware. Related to: factory defect. improper storage or exposure to destructive substances, increase on good product turn up or decrease turn-up

What do I want to change, fix, or improve? What’s the expected outcome?

Increased Report of malfunctioning hardware. Related to: factory defect. improper storage or exposure to destructive substances, increase on good product turn up or decrease turn-up.

What are the consequences and benefits?

Impacts: Increase on good product turn up or decrease turn-up; 
decrease the chance of receiving defective parts or Increase the number of defective parts. 

What do I know about this? How should I proceed?

Create a favorable environment on storage. Update and Create Scheduled Maintenance. Set comprehensive guidelines on how to properly check the product before releasing it to the market.

Trial and Error /  Options

Update and Create Scheduled Maintenance. Set comprehensive guidelines on 
how to properly check the product before releasing it to the market

How do I know if it is done right?

Will end up getting only the best product or will create some problematic product


RMA, product defect, maintenance


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