Taking responsibility for your own learning Video Interviews

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    SE-Cast video snippets: Taking responsibility for your own learning
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  • 35 profile sm
     Apr 21, 2020 08:17am
    @ Tricia - I really like what you said about organizational cultures needing to remove barriers that prevent self-efficacy as well as managers needing to employ the trust to foster it. I think those are important tenets in this. I also appreciate this part from the video: "it's important to allow some type of time or tool for teams to share discoveries or figure out solutions together as in that collective efficacy." I can see this as useful especially with larger teams or departments. I have seen some siloing to the detriment of a department, even in the wake of personal progress and learning in terms of efficacy when it could be an easy remedy. What it can look like is different people offering different solutions when one standard of service is needed.