Video - Instant Microlearning Idea: Microlearning Cuts Production Cost to 50%

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    Instant Microlearning Idea: Microlearning Cuts Production Cost to 50%

Key Ideas:
1. Courses become too long because we sometimes want to feature every topic with the same amount of focus during the training sessions.
2. In microlearning, the focus is on what is important for the learners to learn during the course. Other lessons are divided into what they can learn by themselves along the way and while doing the actual work.
3. Invest the multimedia and other additional learning tools to the lessons and ideas which are of higher importance. This is most of the time only 20% part of the entire course.
4. Use lightweight technology on the other 80% because these should be mainly references and materials that learners can go through by themselves and learn during the process.
5. The way to cut 50% from the production cost is to determine which ideas are "must-learn" and which ones can be learned as needed.
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