Video - Changing the Way We View Learning Through Work Nomad Session 3 Videos

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    The value of learning deeply penetrates the impact of work because learners are solving, fixing and improving work situations. rethink, reshape, fundamentally change, reduce the gap.

Key Ideas:
  1. In Workflow Learning where workers are actually doing work, we are trying to reduce the amount of time that they are away from work.
  2. Workers optimize the time doing work, and solving while learning in the workplace.
  3. We are able to reduce the gap between learning and application. Learners learn along the way during the process.
  4. The value of learning deeply penetrates the impact of work because learners are solving, fixing, and improving work situations.
  5. There is a need to re-calibrate, rethink, reshape, and fundamentally change the way we look at learning design. 
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  • James gregory 2x2
     Feb 10, 2023 09:43am
    I wonder where the line between learning and working sits when it comes to reflection. Certainly, reflection can occur on the job, but some learning requires a deep reflection that might not be possible in the workflow. How would we support, justify, or otherwise consider that level of reflection? Just a thought.