Improving Productivity: More work or more coffee?

General information of the situation
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General information of the situation
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The situation is where you start. You learn by dealing with real-life work situations. Provide a short description of the situation for the learners to work on. Along the way, you will impact results.
Sitches are situations, jams, issues, errors, gaps, troubles, stoppages and many others to fix and solve. They are also opportunities to improve, grow, expand, and introduce better, faster and cheaper ways to get the desired results.
What is your Situation and Question?
Employees ‘travel’ for hot beverages and snacks. They ride several elevators and escalators, then wait in lines to buy these things. Time is lost but people want coffee and hot water for tea. Instant coffee machines have been installed on each of the 40 floors, but they are not as popular as the well-known chain coffee and pastry shops available to anyone who wants to travel to lower levels of the building (or to the shops outside of it).
What's the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge is getting employees to use the instant coffee machines more, to eliminate their travelling. A typical coffee break could go beyond 15 minutes as employees consolidate their travel to include a restroom stop, and maybe a chat with another employee. How do we get them to use the machines provided? Or what can be done to reduce the amount of time it takes to travel throughout the building?
What's the objective?
The objective is to keep employees productive, while satisfying their need for beverages.

Janet Grier    
February 03, 2020