Can Sandy Figure It Out?

General information of the situation
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General information of the situation
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The situation is where you start. You learn by dealing with real-life work situations. Provide a short description of the situation for the learners to work on. Along the way, you will impact results.
Sitches are situations, jams, issues, errors, gaps, troubles, stoppages and many others to fix and solve. They are also opportunities to improve, grow, expand, and introduce better, faster and cheaper ways to get the desired results.
What is your Situation and Question?
Sandy’s way of handling customers is a reflection of the customer support team. Customer complaints are high. The cost of returns has increased. They are left to their own devices to deal with day to day problems.
What's the biggest challenge?
Sandy is pretty much left to herself to figure this out.
What's the objective?
Put yourself in the shoes of Sandy. How would you improve work if you were in her place? How will you turn the issues around? How would you scale to improve your capacities to handle situations?
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Ray Jimenez, PhD    
February 10, 2020