You want to know what about lidar data?!

General information of the situation
General information of the situation


The situation is where you start. You learn by dealing with real-life work situations. Provide a short description of the situation for the learners to work on. Along the way, you will impact results.
Sitches are situations, jams, issues, errors, gaps, troubles, stoppages and many others to fix and solve. They are also opportunities to improve, grow, expand, and introduce better, faster and cheaper ways to get the desired results.
What is your Situation and Question?
GIS specialists new to working with lidar data are struggling to answer questions from program and project managers about the availability and adequacy of lidar data. This can result in slow response times and potentially inaccurate responses to questions about whether or not data exist for a region. This has resulted in a duplication of effort where the data did exist and a costly, large scale (duplicative) effort was undertaken to collect data that already existed.
What's the biggest challenge?
GIS specialists new to using lidar data have difficulty finding, opening and assessing the data for a region of interest. This is due to inefficient search strategies/knowing where to go for the data, lack of knowledge of the appropriate software to use to open the data (once found), identifying the type of format the data are in and inaccurate assessments of the available data for a region.
What's the objective?
GIS specialists can correctly report (yes, no, partial) the availability of lidar data for a region of interest.
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Ray Jimenez, PhD    
March 26, 2020