Nikki's Productivity Needs Improvement

General information of the situation
General information of the situation


The situation is where you start. You learn by dealing with real-life work situations. Provide a short description of the situation for the learners to work on. Along the way, you will impact results.
Sitches are situations, jams, issues, errors, gaps, troubles, stoppages and many others to fix and solve. They are also opportunities to improve, grow, expand, and introduce better, faster and cheaper ways to get the desired results.
What is your Situation and Question?
Nikki has a hard time managing multiple projects at once in different stages. This is a requirement of her job. She gets easily overwhelmed, and can't move forward without having all the information in front of her.
What's the biggest challenge?
Our team has tried many ways to help her increase her productivity : talking to her about it and learning that she is overwhelmed, reducing her project load (not fair to others), sharing how we manage multiple projects - tools, tracking, approaches, etc., working directly with her to make a plan on how to move forward. I'd like suggestions and help that will put Nikki on the right path to productivity. Any ideas?
What's the objective?
Help Nikki to be able to move forward and put her own system into place that would allow her to meet productivity expectations

Ray Jimenez, PhD    
March 26, 2020